We walked 1158.1 miles this time for a grand total of 2348.5. Not too shabby for us older grannies. Eva is 64, Maxine is 70, Pat is 76, and Mary Kay is 83. Jacque, who went on the first half, is 69.
We definitely achieved our goal of raising awareness that older folks can do whatever they set their minds to achieve.
We had a couple of blisters, a cranky knee, and a sore foot which caused some to walk a little slower or a few less miles, but everyone persevered, and we finished a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. We got along great, worked together to figure out where we needed to go and what interesting sights we could see along the way and never had a problem sharing a bathroom and 2 beds. We loved every minute of our grand adventure including all the walking, all the sightseeing, all of our friends and family who hosted us and visited us on our route, and all of the friendly and nice people we met along the way. America is a beautiful and great country, and we were so privileged to see it up close and personal and not from the interstates.
Thanks again to everyone for following the blog and for your comments and support. We'll let you know when we plan our next trip!!