Thursday, February 18, 2016

Special Roadkill Edition

Can you itentify these creatures?


  1. Poor animals...looks like a painful death.

  2. Love the road kill! No snakes? How are the fire ants? A lot of my running friends are following your progress. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  3. Hi Pat and Jackie. Hope your journey is going well today. Enjoyed meeting and talking with you at the campground yesterday. Will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. And will be following your progress. Signed, The Ohio Ladies.

  4. So glad that you're posting regularly - enjoy following your trip -
    Sue W. Florida

  5. woah, the pics posted today, took a dark turn ! I missed the blog the last day, and got on this morning, and quite a shock ! haha. hope you make some of those newspapers. I am waiting for someone from a big network to get wind of your story ! I've been trying to get your "take-off" photo and blog link going through twitter.

  6. You iron grannies are getting VERY stop could be the Today Show.....Becarful and add to your wonderful adventures...
